Rim Fire Burns Majority of Clavey River Watershed

A fisheries biologist with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife has confirmed that the Rim Fire burned almost to the headwaters of the Clavey River.

The Clavey River Canyon in California shown inside Rim Fire Area

Ken Johnson an Environmental Scientist with the Heritage and Wild Trout Program responsed to my query on the extent of the Rim Fire within the Clavey Watershed. I've quoted the important piece from his email.

I checked with our GIS staff and the rim fire burn layer provided by the forest shows that the fire burned the Clavey from the confluence all the way up to the Camp Clavey/Clavey Meadow area. Approximately 25 river miles were burned and ended about 5 river miles below the confluence with Bell Creek.

Ken Johnson
Heritage and Wild Trout Program
